Accidents & Falls

If you have suffered an injury as a result of an accident at work or on the road we can help. We work with a number of insurance companies that will be able to refer you for physiotherapy.

One of the most common injuries as a result of a road traffic accident is whiplash. We can help to relieve pain though manual therapy (spinal mobilisations and release of tense and tight muscles) and exercise. If your insurance covers you for personal injury, often it is quicker and easier to pay for your treatment yourself and then claim it back through your insurance company or solicitor.

Sometimes you can suffer an injury by simply falling. This increases as you get older and can result in acute bruises and sometimes fractures along with reduced confidence. Falls can result in neck, back, shoulder or knee pain for example.

Painful and swollen bruises can be helped with electrotherapy. Often specific exercises to improve strength, and gait rehabilitation is required to improve your walking pattern and balance. This is turn restores confidence and helps to prevent further falls.